Kinect Projector Calibration
- A Study of Microsoft Kinect Calibration
- ROS openni_launch Tutorials
- ROS kinect_calibration technical
- ROS Answers Calibrating in OpenNI_Kinect
- Nicolas Burrus - Kinect Calibration
- Kinect camera calibration
- kinect_ProjectorDance – a lightweight kinect-projector calibration method
- OpenCV Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
- How to setup Microsoft Kinect on Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
Links for Kinect 360
- Demonstration of the configuration for the SARndbox
- Post about the mathematics of calibrating the Kinect by 3dsense
- ART && CODE workshop on Calibrating Projectors and Cameras: Practical Tools
- workshop source code
- Announcement on Kimchi and Chips blog
Available openFrameworks addons
- ofxKinectProjectorToolkit
- Project Website by addon author Gene Kogan
- also available as library for Processing
- ofxReprojection
- ofxProjectorKinectCalibration
- ofxCamaraLucida
- Project website by addon author Christian Parsons
- Calibration Tutorial
Drivers and libraries for Kinect
- OpenKinect
- libfreenect
Drivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device on Windows, Linux, and OS X - libfreenect2
Open source drivers for the Kinect for Windows v2 device
- libfreenect
- OpenNI
The OpenNI framework is an open source SDK used for the development of 3D sensing middleware libraries and applications.- Binary Downloads by Structure
- OpenNI 2 GitHub Repo
- ofxOpenNI
Wrapper for OpenNI, NITE and SensorKinect - simple-openni
OpenNI library for Processing
- RGBDemo
RGBDemo is an opensource software that aims at providing a simple toolkit to start playing with Kinect data and develop standalone computer vision programs without the hassle of integrating existing libraries. NOTE: RGBDemo is not actively maintained anymore. Developed by Nicolas Burrus and Christian Parsons, also author of Cámara Lúcida.